Healthy Food Delivery | NYC

Living in New York City’s concrete jungle is exhilarating, challenging, joyful, stressful, and often leaves little time leftover for making our own healthy meals. New Yorkers strive for the best of everything. We are inventive and we make stuff happen here.

We also love delivery...

So you don’t have time to prepare organic, nutritious meals for yourself and/or your family? No problem. There are a handful of companies that have figured it all out for you and provide an array of healthy options. Easily accessible with as little as a few clicks on your computer.

Full disclosure: I have not personally taste-tested all of the following companies’ meals but have heard from my trusted resources that they are each in fact delicious, sourced responsibly, nutritionally balanced, and free from all the “stuff”.

Feel free to let me know what you think in the comments; I always love feedback! 




  • DAILY HARVEST : Breakfast and lunch/snack options in the form of smoothies + chia parfaits + overnight oats + soups. They use new flash frozen technology used for peak nutrient density levels.

  • PURPLE CARROT : Pre-measured meals along with recipes arrive at your doorstep. Ingredients are sourced from farmers and food makers. You can cook the meals in 40-minutes or less.

  • SAKARA LIFE : 100% plant-based, organic, gluten-free, and pre-made meals are ready to eat upon arrival. Or saved for later.

  • 22 DAYS : 100% Organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, soy-free and Non-GMO ingredients.


  • DIG INN : Seasonal, farm fresh, clean food for lunch or dinner.

  • LOCANUT : 100% Organic, local, seasonal, paleo-friendly, gluten-free, grain-free pre-made meals. I love this one because of the variety of meals offered and the fact that they only use olive oil, coconut oil, and grass-fed butter when cooking.

  • PROVENANCE : 100% organic, gluten-free, dairy-free, local, seasonal ingredients used for each meal, and no refined sugar included. Clean, ethically sourced animal protein – vegan options available.

  • GREEN CHEF : USDA Organic, farm-fresh, responsibly sourced, vegan-omnivore options, ingredients delivered to your doorstep with chef- created recipes to follow.